Changes to hospital care in Greater Manchester 26/01/22

Hospitals in Greater Manchester are starting to resume non-urgent surgery and appointments.
If your appointment or surgery was recently postponed, please wait to hear from the hospital when they can reschedule you. There is no need to contact the hospital or your GP practice for this information.
At the beginning of January, the difficult decision was made to pause non-urgent surgery and appointments due to the impact of COVID-19 and the associated staff absence levels.
Although services remain busy, the situation has improved to the point where hospitals can start to resume non-urgent surgery.
Hospitals will initially start with day case surgery, where patients don’t need an overnight stay in hospital after their procedure. As the situation continues to improve over the coming weeks, other types of surgery will resume as soon as they can.
The hospital team will contact patients directly to offer a new date for the appointment or surgery.
NHS teams appreciate how disappointing this will have been for patients affected by this, especially those who had already waited some time. Our local hospitals are working hard to resume services as quickly as possible, so please bear with them.
In the meantime, patients waiting can visit the Greater Manchester While You Wait website, which has some information and advice on how to manage physical and mental wellbeing during this time.